How Often Should I Wash My Cavoodle?

How Often Should I Wash My Cavoodle?

Cavoodle care is not as simple as it seems, keeping their coats clean and fresh is a much more intricate process than I first thought. It isn't simply about keeping them aesthetically appealing, but more importantly, it's about maintaining their health and happiness.


In this blog post, I'll share my personal experiences and techniques on how often and how best to bathe your Cavoodle, infusing some of my tried-and-true tips. I'll also provide insights on products that can help keep your Cavoodle's coat vibrant and fresh between washes.


So whether you are a new Cavoodle owner or an experienced one looking to change your grooming routine, this post will certainly have something for you.


Should I Wash My Cavoodle Every Week?


Often, Cavoodle owners find themselves asking, "Should I wash my Cavoodle every week?" As an owner myself, I can tell you that the frequency of washing largely depends on your Cavoodle’s lifestyle and the environment.

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, getting dirty and muddy, a weekly bath might be necessary.

However, it's important to note that excessive washing can strip your Cavoodle's coat of its natural oils and lead to skin irritation. Hence, I've found that a good rule of thumb is to bathe my Cavoodle every 2-3 weeks, maintaining a balance between cleanliness and skin health.

For those interim periods, I rely on paw washes after walks or park visits.

To keep them fresh and their coat glossy, I use a leave-in conditioner in between baths. If they start to get a little stinky or if we're expecting company, a quick spritz of Cavoodle-friendly cologne spray can do the trick until the next bath or professional grooming session.


How Often Should You Wash Your Cavoodle?


Determining the ideal washing frequency for your Cavoodle can be a bit of a balancing act and a sprinkle of common sense.


It depends on a couple of things, including how smelly or dirty your cavoodle is, if they live inside or outside, if you are using high-quality products or cheap ingredient products.


Your Cavoodle's cleanliness needs to be weighed against their skin health and the health of their coat, if they are matted well then, they are probably in need of a good wash and groom.


As a Cavoodle owner myself, I can tell you it's about understanding your pet’s individual needs and lifestyle. If your Cavoodle is an adventurous sort, relishing outdoor activities and prone to getting mucky, then you might need to bathe them weekly.


However, you need to be cautious. Overwashing and just bathing for the sake of bathing if they don’t smell or aren’t dirty them you can strip their coat of its natural oils, leading to skin irritations.


Based on my own experience, a washing routine of every 2-3 weeks seems to work well for my Cavoodles, more towards the two-week mark if they have lots of play time outside or with other Cavoodles, but if they end up in the mud and are filthy they will get bathed that day!


Plus they get professionally groomed every 6-8 weeks. This schedule ensures they stay unmatted and somewhat clean, without compromising the health of their skin and coat.


Remember, every Cavoodle is unique, so what works for mine might not work for yours. You should monitor your pet's skin health and adjust the routine as necessary. For example, in between baths, you might find just paw washes useful, especially after walks or park visits, instead of washing the whole body just wash their paws with shampoo to get rid of excess dirt.


I also like to use leave-in conditioner and cologne to keep them smelling fresh until it's time for the next bath or grooming session.


Poll Results: Cavoodle Washing Frequency Among Owners


The recent poll I conducted on Instagram revealed diverse bathing routines among Cavoodle owners.


According to the results, 29% of people wash their Cavoodle every week at home, 20% wash them every 2 weeks, 31% wash them every 2-4 weeks, and 20% wash them every 4 weeks.


In my opinion, the sweet spot is to wash your Cavoodle is giving them a bath every 2-3 weeks, which most other Cavoodle owners will agree with from our poll.


Customer Experience: Kia’s Grooming Routine with her Cavoodle Henry


Just like many of you, Kia’s journey with her Cavoodle started when Henry, her adorable, energetic Cavoodle, entered her life. Initially, the grooming routine was a trial-and-error process. Henry has a thick, wavy coat that seems to attract dirt like a magnet!


Kia aimed to keep his coat clean and shiny, but the challenge was to do so without causing any skin irritations. After some research and several vet consultations, she landed on a routine that suited Henry perfectly.


She bathes him every two to three weeks using a hypoallergenic, Cavoodle-friendly shampoo followed by a light, rinse-out conditioner.


For particularly mucky days, she also resorts to paw washes or spot cleaning. And, to keep him smelling fresh, she uses our everyday cologne between baths.


Each Sunday is their 'grooming day,' where she brushes his coat thoroughly to prevent matting and checks his skin for any signs of irritation. It's a routine that Henry and Kia have grown to enjoy, and it's become a bonding time for both of them.


Enhancing Your Cavoodle's Coat: The Magic of Conditioner


Once Kia discovered the magic of conditioner, Henry's coat drastically improved.


After the routine bath, she began applying MyCavoodles Leave-In Conditioner, a special formula designed for Cavoodles. This perfectly balanced blend ensures that Henry's coat maintains its fluffiness and shine, while also being nourished and protected.


Applying the conditioner is straightforward: After bath time, dispense a small amount into your hand, then gently massage it into your cavoodles coat, making sure to distribute it evenly.


The difference is night and day!


Henry's coat is now shinier, less prone to matting, and significantly softer to touch. The best part? The conditioner also has a delightful scent that leaves Henry smelling wonderful for days. It's now an indispensable part of our Cavoodle care routine!


When Your Cavoodle Gets a Bit Smelly: The Role of Cologne Spray


As much as I adore my cavoodles, it's fair to say that they can get a little stinky at times. Have you ever had one of those moments where your Cavoodle decides to roll on something utterly unappealing during a walk?


Well, I've had my share of those, and that's where an everyday cologne spray comes to the rescue! After one particularly foul encounter with a dead fish at the beach, a few spritzes of MyCavoodles Cologne Spray managed to neutralise the smell until we could get home for a proper bath.


This every day cologne spray is a lifesaver for in-between bath times and ensures my cavoodles always smell fresh. The light, non-overpowering scent is a nice bonus, and they seems to like it too.


Now, I never leave home without a bottle in my bag!


What To Do If Your Cavoodle Care Doesn't Stop Their Smell


Even with the best Cavoodle care practices, there may be times when your furry friend's smell just won't go away. In such cases, it's important to consider that the cause might go beyond needing a bath. It could be a sign of underlying health issues.


Dental Problems


One of the common reasons for persistent odour in Cavoodles is dental issues. The smell can emanate from an infection or buildup of tartar in their mouth. Regular dental check-ups and proper dental hygiene are crucial to prevent this.


Skin Conditions


If you notice a persistent bad smell even after regular baths, it could be a sign of skin problems. Cavoodles are prone to certain skin conditions, such as yeast and bacterial infections, which can result in an unpleasant odour. Regular grooming and vet check-ups will help to identify and treat these issues promptly.


Dietary Concerns


Your Cavoodle’s diet could also contribute to their smell. Certain foods can cause gas, bad breath, or even affect the smell of their coat. It's worth discussing with your vet if a change in diet might help mitigate these issues.


Noticing a persistent bad smell from your Cavoodle can be worrying, but keep in mind that it's usually a sign that something needs to be addressed rather than something untreatable.


Regular vet visits, good grooming habits, and a proper diet can go a long way in ensuring your Cavoodle not only smells great but is also healthy and happy.


Caring for a Cavoodle requires attentiveness and a heart full of love. Remember that a clean Cavoodle is a happy and healthy Cavoodle.


As I've navigated the path of Cavoodle care myself, I've learned that regular washing is not just about managing their adorable curls, but also about ensuring their overall well-being. Of course, using the right products is crucial.


That's why its important not to use cheap products that can strip your cavoodles good natural oils away and damage their coat.  The mycavoodle range of products have been formulated by a pet chemist and made in Sydney Australia to compliment the Cavoodles coat, leaving it soft, shiny, and smelling great. Why not give it a try? Your Cavoodle will thank you, and you’ll love the fresh-smelling cuddles.


Here's to joyful and fragrant Cavoodle care journeys for us all!


January 28, 2024 — Bella Tenaglia
Can Cavoodles Be Left Alone?

Can Cavoodles Be Left Alone?

As a fellow dog lover and owner of an adorable cavoodle, I've faced the same question that many of you are probably wrestling with - can cavoodles be left alone?


It's a critical question we need to address to ensure the wellbeing of these lovable little furballs. After considerable research and personal experience, I've gathered some valuable insights, which I am excited to share with you in this blog post.


So, whether you're a veteran cavoodle owner, a new parent, or considering bringing one of these bundles of joy into your home, you'll find this information helpful in understanding and caring for your cavoodle.


Let's dive in, shall we?


What is Separation Anxiety?


Have you ever noticed your furry friend acting a bit unusual when you're about to leave the house? Maybe they start whining or pacing, or perhaps they become hyperactive. These might be the tell-tale signs of separation anxiety in your cavoodle.


As a loving parent of furbabies, I know it can be distressing to see your cavoodle in such a state.


Separation anxiety is a condition that makes your dog feel extremely nervous and distressed when they're left alone or separated from their loved ones. It's more than just a little bit of sadness on their part - it's a genuine condition that can have a significant impact on their wellbeing.


Cavoodles, in particular, are known for being sociable and affectionate breeds. They form strong bonds with their human families, so they can be more prone to developing this type of anxiety. They're such loving dogs that they just can't stand the thought of being away from you!


But don't worry; with a little bit of understanding and patience, you can help your cavoodle manage this anxiety better.


Can Cavoodles be Left Alone, or Do Cavoodles Get Separation Anxiety?


can i leave my cavoodle home alone


Yes, cavoodles can indeed experience separation anxiety. As a cavoodle owner myself, I've seen firsthand how my little buddy can get upset when I'm about to leave for work.


They're such social creatures, and their capacity for love and attachment is truly remarkable. However, this also means they can feel a deep sense of distress when they're left alone.


It's heartbreaking to see, but remember, it's not a reflection of any lack in their care. It's simply a part of their ultra-affectionate nature and their desire to be with their families.


As owners, we must understand this and take steps to ensure our cavoodles feel secure even when we're not around.


Signs That Your Cavoodle is Stressed When Left Alone


Just like us, our cavoodles exhibit certain signs when they're feeling stressed or anxious. I've been through this with my own cavoodle, and I thought it would be helpful to share what I've learned about recognising these signs.


This way, we can better understand our fur babies and provide them with the care they need.


  1. Excessive Barking or Howling: If your cavoodle is barking or howling more than usual, especially when you're not around, this could be a sign of separation anxiety. My Henry used to do this a lot, and I realised it was their way of expressing distress.
  2. Pacing or Restlessness: You might notice your cavoodle pacing in a fixed pattern or appearing restless when you're about to leave. It was tough to see my cavoodle puppy so distressed, and it was one of the first signs that clued me into their anxiety.
  3. Destructive Behavior: If you're coming home to chewed furniture or other forms of destruction, it might be due to separation anxiety. My cavoodle went through a phase of this, and it was a clear sign that they were not comfortable being left alone.
  4. Accidents in the House: Even if your cavoodle is fully potty-trained, they might have accidents in the house when you're away. This can be another sign of separation anxiety. I was surprised when this happened, but I learned that it's a common sign of distress in cavoodles.


Remember, every cavoodle is unique, and they may not show all these signs. But if you're noticing any of these behaviors, it may be worth considering whether your dog is dealing with separation anxiety.


Can I Leave My Cavoodle Home Alone While I Go to Work?


can i leave my cavoodle home alone


Yes, you can leave your cavoodle home alone while you go to work, but it's essential to ensure your pet is comfortable and secure in your absence.


Training them to handle separation can be beneficial. Start with short periods and gradually increase the time they spend alone. Equip your home with engaging toys to keep them occupied and consider having a dog walker or a neighbor check in on them. It's also imperative to maintain a consistent routine - this helps your Cavoodle understand when to expect you home.


To assist, I've compiled a list of some useful tips for when you leave your cavoodle alone.


Useful tips for when you leave your cavoodle alone


Leaving your Cavoodle alone might be inevitable at times, and it's essential to know how to handle such situations. I've had to figure out how to keep my Cavoodle content when I'm not around, and I'm here to share some tips that have worked for me:


  1. Establish a Routine: Cavoodles, like most dogs, thrive on routine. Regular feeding times, walks, and play times can help them understand when you'll be gone and when you'll be back. I started setting a routine for my Cavoodle, and it seemed to alleviate some of their anxiety.
  2. Create a Comfortable Environment: Make sure your Cavoodle has a comfortable space to rest while you're away. I always leave some toys, water, and a cozy bed for my Cavoodle before I leave.
  3. Keep Them Occupied: Before leaving, I always ensure that my Cavoodle has enough toys to play with. They particularly love puzzle toys that keep them mentally stimulated. Stimulating your cavoodle mentally before leaving tires them out so while you are gone they are more likely to sleep. Fun fact did you know spending 15 minutes using their brain and nose in this way can be just as tiring as walking for an hour, so it’s a great way to get them to burn energy!
  4. Training: I've found that training sessions can be instrumental in teaching my Cavoodle to be calm when I'm not around. We've been using positive reinforcement techniques, and it's been very effective.
  5. Gradual Introduction: If your Cavoodle is new to being left alone, it's essential to gradually increase the duration. I started by leaving my Cavoodle alone for short periods and slowly increased the time.
  6. Consider a Pet Sitter: On the days when I need to be away for a long time, I hire a pet sitter. It has been a great help in ensuring my Cavoodle is not alone for extended periods.
  7. Tire them out: before leaving home it's a good idea to ensure your cavoodles energy has been run down. Exercising them before you leave the house or for work means they won't become bored and destructive while you are gone and there is a better chance they will sleep and be calm while you are gone. 


Remember, every Cavoodle is different, and what works for mine might not work for yours. Sometimes investing in a camera to watch them while you are gone is a good way to see how they behave at home when you're not there. 


The key is patience and understanding. It may take some time, but with the right approach, you can help your Cavoodle feel more comfortable when left alone.


Caring for a Cavoodle is no small commitment, but it's one that comes with immeasurable rewards. From my personal experience, it's clear that with a bit of patience, lots of love, and the right strategies, Cavoodles can indeed be left alone safely.


Gradual desensitisation, investing in interactive toys, creating a safe space, and considering doggy daycare or pet sitters are all effective ways to make the separation easier on your furry friend. Remember, every dog is unique and might respond differently to these methods.


The key is consistency and understanding your Cavoodle's needs. It might be a bumpy journey at first, but in the end, you'll find a balance that works for both you and your Cavoodle.

December 19, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?

How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?

One of the stages of our favourite breed while they grow up is the notorious 'cavoodle puppy biting' phase.


In the early stages, this might seem cute and harmless, but as their teeth grow sharper, their bites can cause discomfort, primarily when they target tender areas like toes and ankles or even your child's tiny fingers.


Remember, this is a normal part of their growth and development, just like teething in human babies. It's a phase they'll eventually outgrow with proper training and patience.


In this article, I'll be sharing some effective training techniques, tips on diverting their biting to toys or treats, and handling situations like a cavoodle puppy biting a child.


Understanding Biting: A Normal Part of Growing Up


How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?


As a cavoodle owner, it's essential to understand that biting is a perfectly normal part of your puppy's development. At this phase, your little cavoodle is like a curious toddler, exploring the world around them with their mouth.


You might often find them gnawing on anything they can get their tiny paws on, be it their chew toys, furniture, or even your toes and ankles!


This behaviour is particularly prominent during their teething period, which generally starts around three weeks and lasts until they're six months old. During this period, puppies lose their baby teeth, and adult teeth begin to emerge, causing discomfort and prompting them to bite on objects (or people) to soothe their gums.


As surprising as it may seem, this is your puppy's natural way to alleviate the pain. Rest assured, this is not aggressive behaviour but merely a phase they're going through, and with proper training and guidance, they can be taught to overcome their biting habit.


The Teething Phase: Why Your Cavoodle Puppy Bites


How Can I Stop My Cavoodle Puppy Biting?


As a cavoodle parent myself, I've been through the stages of puppy teething, and I can assure you it can be quite a challenging time. During this phase, our little cavoodle's mouth is as busy as ever.


Losing Baby Teeth and Growing Adult Teeth


They are losing their baby teeth, and their adult ones are starting to come in. This process can cause them discomfort, and they'll instinctively chew on things to help ease the irritation.


Exploring the World and Learning


But remember, it's not just about the physical discomfort. Our curious cavoodles explore their world and learn about their surroundings during this stage. Every texture and taste is a new experience for them, and biting is their way of making sense of it all.


Guiding Them through the Phase


However, it's crucial to remember that our role as responsible cavoodle parents is to guide them through this phase, teaching them what is acceptable to chew on and what isn't.


Normal Growth and Development


If your cavoodle puppy has been biting you or gnawing on the furniture, please don't be alarmed. This is a normal part of their growth and development. With patience, persistence, and the proper guidance, your cavoodle will soon learn to overcome this habit.


Training Techniques


The struggle of having a cavoodle puppy that bites and chews on absolutely everything can be a lot to handle. It might seem like a monumental task, but with patience, consistency, and the proper training techniques, this habit can be curbed.


Here are my tried and tested steps and techniques to handle biting in cavoodle puppies:


  • Redirect their Attention: Whenever your cavoodle puppy starts biting, immediately redirect their attention to a toy or chewable item. This teaches the pup that there are appropriate items to chew on.


  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cavoodle puppy when they chew on the right things, like toys or designated chew items. Praise them verbally or with a treat. This reinforces the correct behaviour.


  • Say 'NO' Firmly, but Gently: If your cavoodle puppy bites you, say 'NO' in a firm yet gentle voice. This helps them understand that biting humans is unacceptable.


  • Provide Plenty of Exercises: A tired puppy is a well-behaved puppy. Make sure your cavoodle gets plenty of physical and mental exercise to reduce the likelihood of destructive behaviour like biting.


Now, each cavoodle puppy is different, so, to find the best way to teach them, try these techniques:


  1. Redirection Technique


This technique involves redirecting your cavoodle puppy's biting to acceptable items like toys or chew sticks. It's a simple yet effective way to teach your cavoodle what they can and cannot bite.


  1. Time-Out Technique


If your cavoodle puppy continues to bite even after redirection, you can use the time-out technique.


This means removing your attention from the puppy for a few minutes. This helps the puppy understand that biting leads to the withdrawal of your attention, which is something they don't want.


  1. Bite Inhibition Technique


This technique is about teaching your puppy to control the force of their bite. If your puppy bites you, let out a loud 'yelp' or 'ouch' and stop playing. This will surprise them, and they'll learn to be gentler.


Remember, every cavoodle puppy is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. So, experiment with these techniques and find the one that works best for your furry baby.


The Role of Puppy Preschool in Preventing Cavoodle Biting


cavoodle puppy preschool


Puppy preschool is vitally important when it comes to your cavoodle puppy biting. When I first signed up for my cavoodle, I wasn't sure if it would make a difference.


But boy, was I pleasantly surprised!


In this safe and controlled environment, my pup got to mingle with other adorable puppies and learn crucial socialisation skills. And let me tell you, seeing my fur baby realise that biting isn't cool among doggy friends was priceless!


The trainers at Puppy Preschool were total pros. They helped me understand my cavoodle's signals, like those tiny hints right before a biting incident. Plus, they gave me some excellent tips tailored to my pup's personality to prevent biting.


Puppy preschool played a massive role in shaping my cavoodle's behaviour, especially when it came to controlling those nippy tendencies. I seriously recommend it to all cavoodle owners out there.


Trust me, the investment is totally worth it for you and your furry friend in the long run.


My Cavoodle Puppy is Biting My Child: What to Do?


cavoodle biting children what to do?


Children and puppies usually become fast friends, but there can be times when your cavoodle puppy's biting becomes a problem. I've experienced this first-hand, and believe me, it can be quite a challenge.


Understanding the Behavior


The first thing I did was to understand why my cavoodle was engaging in this behaviour. It's important to remember that puppies explore the world with their mouths. Biting can be their way of engaging with their environment or could be a result of teething discomfort. Understanding this helped me take a more empathetic approach.


Implementing Distraction Techniques


Distraction was my following line of defence. When I saw my cavoodle start to nip at my child, I would introduce a toy or a chewable item. This way, my puppy could satisfy his urge to chew while my child was kept safe.


Training and Reinforcement


Training and reinforcement were vital. I taught my child to disengage when the puppy started biting, signalling to the puppy that this behaviour wouldn't be tolerated. We also reinforced good behaviour with treats and praise whenever the puppy interacted gently.


Seeking Professional Help


Despite all my efforts, there were moments when I felt overwhelmed. That's when I decided to seek a professional's help. A certified dog trainer or a behaviourist can provide tailored strategies that best suit your cavoodle's temperament and your child's safety.


Remember, patience is crucial in this process. With time, your cavoodle puppy will grow out of this biting phase, and they will become the loving and gentle companion you've always wished for.


Owning a cavoodle puppy may come with its share of challenges, not least of which is the biting phase.


But remember, this is only a phase that your puppy will eventually grow out of.


By understanding the behaviour, implementing distraction techniques, engaging in training and reinforcement, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can guide your puppy through this phase with love and patience.


Keep sight of the joyous moments your cavoodle puppy brings; every tiny victory deserves to be celebrated. After all, the journey is as rewarding as the destination, and the bond you are forging now will last a lifetime.


December 18, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
How to know if a cavoodle is the right breed for you?

How to know if a cavoodle is the right breed for you?

As an avid dog lover and proud cavoodle parent, I know that bringing a furry friend into your life is a big decision. You want to make sure you're making the right choice, not just for you but for your possible future pet, too. After all, it's about finding a match that suits both your lifestyle and the needs of the dog.


In my case, that perfect match was a cavoodle!


These small, adorable creatures are a bundle of joy with their warm, cuddly nature balanced with a playful energy that keeps you on your toes.


In this article, I'll share with you my personal experiences and insights about cavoodle puppies, from their adaptable nature to their health considerations. By the end, I hope to help you figure out if a Cavoodle puppy is the right fit for you.


Understanding the Cavoodle: A Family-Friendly Breed


As a proud owner of a Cavoodle puppy, I can attest to their reputation as a family-friendly breed.


These lovable bundles of joy, a delightful mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle, are not just companions; they become an integral part of your family. With their affable nature and heart-melting charm, Cavoodles fit right in, regardless of the family's size or age composition.


Whether you have small children or elderly members at home, a Cavoodle's adaptable and gentle demeanour makes it an excellent choice.


They're spirited enough to play with kids yet calm enough to be a comforting presence for the older folks.


Their intelligent Poodle genes make them quick learners, and their Spaniel side brings a nurturing instinct that's touching to witness.


In my experience, cavoodles have a knack for turning even the gloomiest days bright with their lively antics and unwavering loyalty. But, that’s just my experience, let’s go over all the ways you can find out if a cavoodle puppy is the right fit for you!


The Ideal Home for a Cavoodle: Is it Yours?


cavoodle exercise


A cavoodle, with its adjustable nature, can easily fit into various living conditions. However, there are specific environments where they thrive the most. To determine if your home is the perfect fit for a cavoodle puppy, let's delve into three crucial aspects: space, activity level, and family dynamics.


Space: A Cozy Home or a Sprawling Mansion?


As a cavoodle owner, I've observed that my little buddy doesn't need a palace to roam around in. These compact dogs are just as comfortable in a small apartment as they are in a large house. What matters more than the size of the living space is the love, warmth, and comfort that you provide them.


Activity Level: Are Cavoodles Suited to Your Lifestyle?


Cavoodles, being an active breed, do appreciate regular exercise and playtime. If you lead an active lifestyle or have kids who love outdoor games, a cavoodle will be the perfect companion. Even if you prefer quiet evenings over adventurous days, cavoodles' adaptable nature and love for snuggles make them equally content with a calmer lifestyle.


Family Dynamics: Do Cavoodles Gel Well with Your Family Composition?


As I mentioned earlier, cavoodles are remarkably versatile and gel well with almost any kind of family dynamic. Whether you're a single person, a parent of young kids, or living with elderly family members, a cavoodle puppy can bring joy and companionship to your life.


By considering these aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether a cavoodle puppy is the right choice for your home. Remember, these furry little bundles of joy are an addition to your family, and a decision to adopt them should be made with careful thought and consideration.


To make it easy, here's a simple guide:


Cavoodles and Children: A Match Made in Heaven ✅


Cavoodles are known to be great with children and can form strong bonds with them. However, it is crucial to supervise interactions between young children and puppies to ensure both their safety.


Cavoodles for Couples: A Loyal and Loving Companion ✅


For couples, Cavoodles can be the perfect addition to their life. They are loyal and loving and make great companions for romantic walks or cuddling on the couch.


Cavoodles and the Elderly: A Companion for Your Golden Years ✅


Cavoodles are also great for older individuals or those living with elderly family members. They provide companionship and can help keep seniors active and engaged through daily walks and playtime.


Cavoodles for Owners with Severe Allergies: Proceed with Caution ❌


While Cavoodles are known as a low-shedding breed, they are not completely hypoallergenic. Potential owners with severe allergies should spend time with a Cavoodle before making the decision to bring one home.  


Cavoodles for Extremely Busy Owners: Not Ideal ❌


Cavoodles, like any pet, need attention, love, and care. If you're someone with a hectic schedule with little time to devote to a pet, a Cavoodle might not be the best choice. Long periods of isolation can lead to behaviour issues.


Cavoodles for Frequent Travelers: Think Twice ❌


Frequent travel can be stressful for any pet, and Cavoodles are no exception. If you're someone who's always on the move, you should consider getting a Cavoodle unless you have a reliable pet-care solution during your travels.


When Cavoodle Puppies Might Not Be the Right Fit: Considerations to Make


isa a cavoodle puppy right for me


There are several key points to reflect on when considering whether a Cavoodle puppy is the right fit for you. Here's what I've learned from my own experience:

  • Living Environment: Cavoodles are small dogs, and while they don't need a lot of space, they do need some outdoor access for exercise and potty breaks. If you're living in a high-rise apartment without easy access to a grassy area, it might be challenging to own a Cavoodle.


  • Time Availability: Cavoodles crave human companionship. They don't like being left alone for long periods. If your job or lifestyle leaves little room for a pet, or if you frequently travel, a Cavoodle puppy might need help to adjust.


  • Financial Capability: Owning a Cavoodle, or any pet, comes with financial responsibilities. From food and grooming to vaccinations and check-ups, you need to budget for these necessities.


  • Patience: Cavoodle puppies, like all puppies, require training. This includes housebreaking, leash training, and teaching them to refrain from negative behaviours like chewing and barking. This takes time and importantly, patience!


  • Allergy Considerations: Although Cavoodles are a low-shedding breed, they are not 100% hypoallergenic. If you or a family member have severe allergies, it's crucial to spend time with a Cavoodle to see if allergies will be an issue before you bring one home.


Remember, owning a pet is a long-term commitment. Adding a Cavoodle puppy to your family should be a decision that's carefully considered and not taken lightly.


Cavoodles and a Busy Lifestyle: What You Need to Know


Cavoodles are a fantastic breed for those with busy lifestyles, but it's essential to understand what this commitment entails.


In my experience, Cavoodles are sociable creatures, and they thrive on interaction. When I'm caught up with work, I make sure to check in with my Cavoodle, even if it's just for a quick cuddle. It's also worth noting that Cavoodles are intelligent dogs.


They can become bored if left alone for too long; hence, leaving interactive toys or puzzle feeders can help keep them entertained.


Another lifesaver for me has been hiring a dog walker to ensure my Cavoodle gets the exercise it needs when I'm unable to step out.


Adapting to a Cavoodle's needs into a busy lifestyle may require some adjustments, but with a bit of creativity and planning, it's completely doable and incredibly rewarding.


Cavoodles and Babies: Potential Challenges and Solutions


cavoodles and newborn babies


Introducing a cavoodle to a newborn can be a unique experience, filled with some challenges but also with immeasurable joy.


Here is some first hand experience from my friend Kia, a cavoodle owner who recently bought her newborn baby home to their two cavoodles this year:


"I learnt a lot when I brought my baby home from the hospital to my fur baby.


For starters, my cavoodle Henry absolutely loved my newborn; they were inseparable, and all they wanted to do was play. However, my other cavoodle, Maggie, was very unsure and acted differently at first. They needed to adjust to the new routines of life, and they did so in their own ways. Each cavoodle will be different, and it's essential to keep an eye out and do your best to help with the transitionary period. It's a significant change for the whole family (even the furry members).


As my baby got older and could start to play with them, my cavoodles both loved them and would do all they could to be around them. So, in my experience, there is no need to be scared!


It's important to note that there can be challenges, but nothing that cannot be overcome. Such as your cavoodles getting overly excited or jealous around the baby.


Here are some things I would recommend to do if I had to do it all over again (which I might be soon!):


  • I try to maintain my cavoodle's routines as much as possible to avoid any feelings of neglect.
  • Even after the baby's arrival, ensure that my cavoodle receives regular walks, playtime, and one-on-one attention.
  • Positive reinforcements when my cavoodles were calm and gentle around the baby.
  • Allowing my cavoodle to come into my nursery to avoid jealousy.


It's been a beautiful journey watching my Cavoodle and my baby grow together, learning to understand and respect each other. If you are prepared to invest the time and patience required for this transition, a cavoodle can indeed make an excellent companion for your little one."


Cavoodle Puppies: Grooming and Health Concerns


Cavoodle puppies possess a hypoallergenic coat that requires regular grooming to maintain their health and appearance. It’s an important part of owing any dog, especially a cavoodle.

Kia says she has "experienced first-hand the necessity of owning a reliable grooming kit, although these fluffy bundles of joy are so much fun to be around, they do require regular grooming to be comfortable.

I particularly recommend the grooming kits, shampoos, and conditioners from mycavoodle, as they really are perfect for my Maggie and Henry.


cavoodle shampoo conditioner and cavoodle brushes

Shampoo and conditioner are vital components of my grooming process. I went through so many shampoo and conditioners before finding the right one! Cavoodle’s have quite sensitive skin, so it’s important to use brands that are tailor made for the breed like mycavoodle’s shampoo and conditioner."

Concerning health, cavoodle puppies, like any breed, can have specific concerns to watch for. Regular vet check-ups are essential to ensure your cavoodle is thriving. With proper grooming and healthcare, owning a cavoodle puppy can be a rewarding and joyful


Deciding if a cavoodle is the right breed for you 


Deciding if a cavoodle is the right breed for you is a journey that requires reflection. Cavoodles, with their friendly demeanour and immense affection, can be a great addition to any family.


They are lovely with children and can adapt well to change, as I've personally experienced. But remember, like with any pet, they require attention, care, and patience. Understanding their needs and being able to provide for them is paramount.


In the end, if you're looking for a loving, playful companion who will bring joy to your life and that of your little ones, a cavoodle might be the perfect fit for you!

December 18, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
How To Raise A Well Behaved Cavoodle Puppy? The Secret: Desensitisation and Socialisation

How To Raise A Well Behaved Cavoodle Puppy? The Secret: Desensitisation and Socialisation

Have you ever wondered what it takes to raise a well-behaved cavoodle puppy?


Well, I'm here to share some tips and tricks that have worked wonders for me! It all starts with understanding the concepts of desensitisation and socialisation.


Simply put, these processes help your fluffy friend become accustomed to various stimuli and social settings.


But here's the thing: the secret to a well-adjusted cavoodle doesn't just lie in proper puppy training. It starts even before you bring them home, with careful selection of an ethical breeder.


And yes, that means spending more upfront, but trust me, a breeder who follows a Puppy Curriculum Program could save you some serious bucks down the line on training and behavioural fixes.


So, ready to dive in and learn all about nurturing your cavoodle during their critical socialisation period, which is between approximately 3 to 17 weeks of age?


Let's get started!


Understanding Desensitisation and Socialisation for Your Cavoodle Puppy


desensitising your cavoodle puppy to grooming and brushing


Desensitisation and socialisation might sound like significant, fancy terms, but trust me, they are central to raising a well-behaved cavoodle puppy. Desensitisation is all about gradually introducing your pup to new environments, experiences, and objects in a way that doesn't overwhelm them.


For instance, I remember the first time I brushed my own cavoodle. She was a little skittish with the brush, so I made sure to keep the sessions short and sweet and gave her plenty of praise and pats afterwards.


Now, she can't wait to get groomed!


On the other hand, socialisation is about helping your cavoodle interact positively with other animals, people, and different environments.


The first time I took my cavoodle to the dog park, she was a bit timid. However, over time, and with regular visits, she became more at ease, and then she became the life of the dog park party!


The aim is to create positive associations so that your cavoodle puppy grows into a confident, friendly adult dog. It's a process, and it takes patience, but seeing your cavoodle thrive is worth it!


Remember, during this critical socialisation period, between 3 to 17 weeks of age, your cavoodle's experiences can significantly influence their adult behaviour. So, let's make it good!


The Critical Socialisation Period: Shaping Your Cavoodle's Future Behaviour


The Critical Socialisation Period: Shaping Your Cavoodle's Future Behaviour


During this critical period, which typically spans from 3 to 17 weeks, your cavoodle puppy will be like a curious little sponge, soaking up every experience, every interaction, and every new sight and sound. This is when they learn what to be afraid of and what’s safe, who's a friend and who's a potential threat.


Your role?


To guide them gently and confidently through these formative weeks. Think of yourself as a kind of tour guide, showing your cavoodle the world and helping them navigate it in a way that builds confidence, encourages curiosity, and promotes good behaviour.


When I look back on this time with my own cavoodle puppy, I remember our little adventures together - our trips to the dog park, meeting the friendly neighbourhood kids, and even our brave encounter with the vacuum cleaner!


We made sure to expose her to a variety of experiences, always ensuring she felt safe and was having fun. It was during this time that my cavoodle puppy learned to trust me and trust the world around her.


One thing that helped us a lot was having a socialisation checklist. It helped ensure we got everything necessary, and it made the whole process feel a lot less overwhelming.


Some of the items on our list included meeting other vaccinated dogs, hearing thunder, seeing a car, walking on different surfaces, being around loud noises, and meeting people of different ages, races, and sizes.


At the end of the day, the most important thing is to make this socialisation period a positive and enjoyable experience for your cavoodle. It might seem like a lot of responsibility, but keep in mind that this is also a fantastic opportunity to build a strong bond with your puppy while shaping their future behaviour.


The Importance of Grooming and How to Desensitise Your Cavoodle to It


Caring for a cavoodle doesn't stop at just feeding and playing -- grooming your furry friend is equally important! I can't emphasise enough how crucial it is to maintain your cavoodle's coat. It's not just about keeping them looking adorable but also about ensuring their skin is healthy and their fur free from matting.


Investing in high-quality grooming products will save you a lot of headaches with managing your cavoodle’s coat. Cavoodles are curly-haired and have wiry coats that require special care. Using a specialised shampoo and conditioner that is designed to maintain your cavoodle’s coat health can vastly reduce matting and other fur issues. I have additional resources on cavoodle grooming available here.


Now, you might be wondering, "How do I get my cavoodle used to grooming?" Believe me, I've been there. My cavoodle wasn't a fan of grooming sessions at first, but with patience and persistence, we managed to turn it around!


Here's what worked for us: Start by gradually introducing grooming tools to your Cavoodle.


cavoodle grooming - cologne spray - perfume


Let them sniff and explore the brush, comb, or clippers. Praise them and give them a treat when they show a positive response. Eventually, they'll associate these tools with good things!


Next, try short grooming sessions. Start with just a quick brush of their coat, and over time, gradually increase the duration. Remember to keep each session positive, calm, and full of praise.


And finally, if your cavoodle is still a little reluctant, feel free to seek help from a professional groomer. They've got the experience and the knowledge to make grooming a more comfortable experience for your cavoodle.


Remember, the goal here is to make grooming a normal, positive part of your cavoodle's routine. It might take some time and patience, but trust me, it's worth it! Your cavoodle will not only look fabulous but also feel great.


And, after all, a happy cavoodle puppy means a happy owner!


Why Your Cavoodle Puppy Needs Preschool: Enforcing Boundaries and Establishing Routine


Just like any new puppy, my cavoodle puppy was a bundle of energy with a curiosity that knew no bounds! It was adorable but, admittedly, a bit overwhelming. I quickly realised the importance of enforcing boundaries and establishing a routine - and that’s when I discovered the magic of puppy preschool.


In preschool, my little cavoodle puppy learned to interact with other pups in a safe, controlled environment. She was taught basic commands like 'sit', 'stay', and 'come' and began to understand what behaviours were acceptable and what was not.


The preschool also helped her get used to different types of sounds, smells, and people, which is crucial for a well-adjusted adult dog.


But it wasn't just my cavoodle that benefited from preschool — it was a learning curve for me, too! I learned how to communicate effectively with my cavoodle, understand her unique needs, and figure out the best way to meet them. The trainers also provided lots of advice on how to set a routine for my cavoodle, making our life at home a lot easier.


So, if you're considering whether or not to enrol your cavoodle puppy in preschool, go for it!


It might seem like a lot at first, but the benefits for both you and your puppy are immense. Plus, let's be honest, there's nothing quite as adorable as a cavoodle puppy learning to socialise with other pups!


Choosing an Ethical Cavoodle Breeder


choosing a cavoodle breeder and puppy


Choosing an ethical cavoodle breeder is crucial to ensure that your new puppy is healthy, happy, and well-adjusted. I remember when I was on my search for the perfect cavoodle breeder, I was overwhelmed by all the different choices.


But I realised that it's not about the quantity; it's about the quality. Good breeders prioritise the well-being of the pups over profit.


Unfortunately, COVID vastly inflated the price of cavoodle puppies, causing many scammy, unethical breeders to try their luck in the market. It’s vital that you do your research in order to find an ethical breeder who genuinely cares about the health and wellbeing of your puppy. Scam breeders often sell sick, malnourished puppies in awful conditions, and can cost you thousands in preventable vet bills in the future.


When I found the breeder for my cavoodle, I knew they were the right choice because their puppies were raised in a loving home environment rather than in impersonal kennels.


They also provided me with comprehensive health checks for the parents, ensuring that my puppy had the best possible start to life. It was such a relief knowing that my cavoodle came from parents who were genetically screened and vet-checked. My breeder also had a comprehensive puppy curriculum that I believed in, and I found my puppy was extremely well adjusted as a result of this work.


It's also essential to find a breeder who truly understands the unique needs of cavoodles. They should be passionate about the breed and able to guide you on how to care for your cavoodle puppy.


So, take your time in finding the right breeder. Don't rush, and remember that an ethical breeder is critical to bringing a healthy and happy cavoodle puppy into your home. Trust me, it's worth the wait!


Final Thoughts


And there you have it, my friends! Embarking on this cavoodle journey might seem daunting at first, but I assure you, it's one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. From the moment you see your cavoodle puppy's cute little face, you'll know that all the time spent researching was worth it.


My own experience and advice can light up your path to raising a well-behaved, furry bundle of joy. Always remember, every cavoodle pup deserves a loving home, and in return, they will shower you with endless love and companionship.


So go ahead, open your home and heart to a cavoodle, and feel the magic these pups bring into your life!

December 07, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Are Cavoodle Puppies High Maintenance?

Are Cavoodle Puppies High Maintenance?

Introduction to Cavoodle Puppies: The Highs and Lows of Maintenance


As a dog lover and cavoodle owner, I understand the allure of these adorable little creatures. They're fluffy, intelligent, and full of character. But there's always that lingering question in our minds: "Are cavoodles high maintenance?"


While they do have their quirks - they're incredibly social creatures and need a good dose of daily mental stimulation - they're far from being considered troublemakers. On the contrary, their hypoallergenic coats, petite size, and high trainability make them excellent companions for those of us who aren't ready to commit to a high-maintenance pet.


Sure, like any pet, they have their unique needs (a quick brush to keep that curly hair untangled, some ear checks to avoid infections, and a chat about their diet every now and then), but who doesn't have a need or two?


In this blog, I'm going to share the highs and lows of owning a cavoodle, drawing from my personal experiences and throwing in some facts here and there. Let's dig into what life with a cavoodle is really like!


Understanding the Cavoodle Breed: Are They High Maintenance?


cavoodle puppy high maintenance


So, let's dive right into the heart of the matter: are cavoodle puppies high maintenance?


The answer isn't as straightforward as one might think. In some respects, cavoodles do require a certain level of care. Let's remember that these adorable furballs are highly intelligent and thrive on human attention and affection.


They're mainly indoor dogs, and, unfortunately, anxiety is a common issue with this breed. However, it's manageable.


The Low Maintenance Parts of Cavoodle Puppies


are cavoodle puppies high maintenance - grooming


Looking on the bright side, cavoodles are hypoallergenic and low shedding, which is a massive plus for allergy and hayfever sufferers like me.


They're also relatively small, so they only take up a little space or require large amounts of food - a win-win for those of us who are budget-conscious.


What's more, they are highly trainable. I've managed to teach mine not to bark excessively, and toilet training was a breeze.


Another big tick in the pro column is that cavoodles, being a crossbreed, typically don't have the severe health issues that some purebreds face.


While they can have minor issues like dental plaque, abnormal poo/gastro, ear infections, and skin sensitivities, these are manageable with the proper care and products (I have some recommendations if you're interested).


And for those of us who don't have endless hours to dedicate to pet exercise, you'll love this - cavoodles are the best of both worlds. They're just as happy to chill with you on the couch as they are taking a walk in the park. (Unlike breeds like the Border Collie or Husky, they don't require a big backyard or tons of daily exercise. )


So, while cavoodles do require some investment of time and attention, I wouldn't categorise them as high maintenance. They offer a blend of traits that make them an excellent, lovable addition to any home.


However, let's go over the reasons why some of us would label them as high-maintenance.


A Look at Cavoodle's High-Maintenance Personality Traits


cavoodle maintenance shampoo and conditioner


Firstly, cavoodles are social butterflies – they absolutely thrive on interaction and companionship. This means that they don't do well when left alone for long periods. If you're someone with a busy schedule or frequent out-of-town trips, this could be a challenge.


Their coat. Yes, it's beautiful, soft, and largely hypoallergenic, but it also requires regular grooming to prevent it from matting. This includes brushing at least a few times a week and professional grooming every 6-8 weeks. It's a commitment, but let me tell you, there's nothing quite like cuddling up with your freshly groomed cavoodle at the end of a long day!


Especially when you use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner. Our Mycavoodle shampoo and conditioner bundles are designed with your cavoodle’s coat in mind, and are formulated with specific ingredients to maintain coat health.


Finally, their intelligence can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it makes them highly trainable, but on the other hand, it means they need mental stimulation. Bored cavoodles can become anxious or destructive, so you'll need to invest in puzzle toys, games, and regular training sessions to keep their mind sharp.


Investing in an enrichment set from the get-go can help keep your new puppy entertained for hours, and help foster their development. You can learn more about stimulating your cavoodle’s mental enrichment here, and we recommend shopping this lick mat to make mealtimes more fulfilling and reducing the risks of vomiting and indigestion.


But remember every dog, and I mean every dog, will require some degree of maintenance and care. What might seem 'high-maintenance' to one person could be a perfect fit for another.


It all comes down to finding the breed that matches your lifestyle and personality. And in my book, the joy and companionship that a cavoodle brings balances out the responsibilities.


Cavoodle's Health: Minor Issues and Preventive Care


As a cavoodle parent, let's talk about some minor health issues and preventive measures we can take. Like any breed, cavoodles are prone to specific minor health issues.


They can sometimes suffer from ear infections due to their floppy ears, so regular ear checks and cleaning are a must. Their beautiful eyes can also be prone to conditions like Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), so annual eye exams are a good idea.


Cavoodle's teeth can also be a fuss. Due to their tiny mouths, they are prone to dental disease, so regular teeth cleaning and dental treats are part of our routine. Of course, a healthy diet and regular exercise are vital in keeping their heart healthy and their weight in check.


The good news is that these issues are minor and can often be prevented with proper care and regular check-ups. Early detection is critical, so regular visits to the vet and close attention to any changes in behaviour or appearance are crucial.


Remember, a little preventive care can go a long way in ensuring your cavoodle lives a long, happy, and healthy life. In our home, our cavoodle is worth every bit of the extra care and attention!


Exercise and Cavoodles: Debunking the Myths


how much exercise does my cavoodle need?


I often hear people asking, "Are cavoodles high maintenance when it comes to exercise?" Let's debunk this myth right now, and let me tell you, cavoodles are far from high maintenance in this regard. Yes, they are energetic and playful, but they certainly don't require marathon runs to keep them happy!


Cavoodles are perfectly content with a brisk walk around the neighbourhood, a game of fetch in the garden, or some good old indoor playtime. They're adaptable and more than happy to match their activity level to yours. So, whether you're an avid runner or prefer curling up with a good book, your cavoodle can fit right into your lifestyle with ease.


However, do remember that regular exercise is crucial for their physical health and mental stimulation. Most experts recommend starting with a 30-minute walk each day, and your cavoodle can benefit from doing up to 60 minutes of exercise per day. Compared with a border collie, which requires at least 2-3 hours of high-energy, physical activities like running or swimming, a cavoodle is very low maintenance!


A bored cavoodle can become a mischievous cavoodle! So, ensure that they mix up their exercise routine with different activities to keep them interested and engaged.


But, in the grand scheme of things, compared to many dog breeds, cavoodles are relatively low maintenance in terms of exercise. This is just another reason why cavoodle puppies are such wonderful companions! So, don't let the exercise myth deter you from welcoming these lovable furballs into your family.


The True Cost of Cavoodle Ownership: Time, Affection, and Financial Considerations


cost of a cavoodle


Now, let's talk about the actual cost of cavoodle ownership. I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that it involves time, affection, and some financial considerations.



Time is a crucial investment for any dog owner, and a cavoodle is no different. They are social butterflies who love being part of the family's activities. Spending quality time with your cavoodle, whether it's playing games or simply snuggling on the couch, is essential to keep them happy and secure.



Secondly, affection can't be underestimated. Cavoodles are known for their affectionate nature and thrive on reciprocated love and care. I often find myself receiving those gentle doggy kisses and adorable puppy eyes that say, "I love you." Trust me, the affection you give to your cavoodle is returned tenfold.



Lastly, let's address the elephant in the room - the financial aspect. Owning a cavoodle does have its costs, including regular vet checks, vaccinations, grooming, quality dog food, and pet insurance. While these costs can add up, remember that preventive care can save you from larger bills in the future. With our code MYCAV2 you can access two months of free pet insurance from Knose. 


But above all, the joy, companionship, and unconditional love that cavoodles bring are priceless. They truly make a house feel like a home. The cost is a small price to pay for the happiness and love that these furry little bundles bring into our lives. And looking at my cavoodle's adorable face, I can tell you it is worth every penny!


Final Thoughts: Is a Cavoodle Puppy Right for You?


After all that's been said, the question still stands: Is a cavoodle right for you?


Well, if you're looking for a dog that's high on love but not high maintenance, a cavoodle could be your perfect match.


They're adaptable and friendly, and while they do require your time and affection, they're far from being the most demanding breed out there. Their coat needs regular grooming, but it's manageable, especially considering that it's hypoallergenic.


Financially, yes, there are costs involved, but remember, the love that a cavoodle brings into your life? That's simply invaluable. All the wet-nosed kisses, the wagging tail at the end of a long day, and the pure joy they emanate - it's all worth it.


When you consider everything, I firmly believe that the companionship, laughter, and love that a cavoodle brings into your home far outweigh the costs.


So, if you ask me a resounding YES, a cavoodle puppy could be just the fluffy addition your life needs!


December 07, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Why is my Cavoodles coat colour fading?

Why is my Cavoodles coat colour fading?

Have you ever noticed that your beloved fluff-ball’s coat has lost some of its vibrant colour over time? Maybe that rich red has faded into a soft apricot, or that jet-black has transformed into a cosy grey. 

If you’re wondering why, don’t worry; you’re not alone, and it’s perfectly normal. 

This colour change phenomenon is a common topic in our Cavoodle community, and it can be quite surprising if you weren’t expecting it. It all comes down to our Cavoodle’s unique Poodle genes. 

Did you know that as Cavoodles age, their coat colour can fade, especially after shedding their puppy coat or after regular grooming? But hey, no matter what shade their cute coat turns into, it doesn’t make us love our fur babies any less.


Today, we’re going to dig into this fascinating topic, bust some myths, and even share some tips on how to keep that Cavoodle coat as soft and fluffy as ever (hint: it involves some lovely shampoos and conditioners!).


Understanding Cavoodle Coat Color Fading: My Experience and Tips


As a proud Cavoodle owner, I’ve learned a lot about the genetics, grooming, and age-related factors that can influence our furry friends’ coat colours. So, let’s dive in!


In this picture below we demonstrate cavoodle coat fading. This is a picture of the same cavoodle puppy at 8 weeks old on the left and on the right at 11 months old.


Her deep apricot colour patches around her eyes and her ears have faded to a lighter colour. This is an example of common colour coat fading in cavoodles.

Cavoodle coat fading


The Genetics of Cavoodle Coat Colors


When it comes to Cavoodle coat colours, genetics play a fascinating role. With their Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel heritage, Cavoodles can inherit a wide range of coat colours and patterns. From solid shades to beautiful mixes, each Cavoodle is unique and has its own particular coat colour. But what exactly causes these colours to fade over time?


The main culprit here is the Poodle’s fading gene. This gene, also known as the “dilute” gene, can gradually cause a dark coat to lighten over time. So, if your Cavoodle has inherited this gene from their Poodle parent, you might notice their coat changing shades as they age. But don’t worry, this is entirely normal!


The Influence of Poodle Genes on Cavoodle’s Coat


Poodle genes have a significant impact on Cavoodle coat colours. The Poodle’s genetic makeup contributes to the curly, low-shedding coat that many Cavoodles have. 


It’s important to understand that Poodles come in various coat colours, including solid, parti, and phantom patterns. These genes can be passed down to Cavoodles, resulting in a stunning array of coat colour possibilities. However, the fading gene can also come into play and affect the intensity of these colours over time.


How Age Impacts Your Cavoodle’s Coat Colour


As our Cavoodles grow older, their coat colours can sometimes change or fade. It’s a natural process, and there’s no need to worry. Some Cavoodles may experience a slight lightening or darkening of their coat, adding a unique touch to their appearance. 


However, it’s essential to note that drastic changes in coat colour should be monitored and discussed with a veterinarian. These changes could indicate an underlying health issue or nutritional deficiency.


Grooming Practices and Its Effect on Cavoodle Coat


Proper grooming practices can make a significant difference in maintaining the vibrancy of your Cavoodle’s coat colours. Regular brushing not only helps to keep their coat healthy and tangle-free but also stimulates blood circulation to promote coat colour retention. 


Additionally, using gentle and high-quality grooming products designed for Cavoodles can help maintain the natural shine and lustre of their coats. 


Avoid harsh chemicals, human products or over-bathing, as these can strip the natural oils from their coat and cause colours to fade. It’s also crucial to protect your Cavoodle’s skin from sun exposure, which can bleach its coat colour and cause dryness.


Choosing the Right Cavoodle: A Guide to Predict Coat Changes

How to pick a cavoodle puppy that wont fade in colour

Choosing the right Cavoodle can feel like a tricky endeavour, especially when you’re trying to guess how their coat colours might evolve. But hey, don’t sweat it! If you’re drawn to a particular Cavoodle pup, trust your heart. That being said, it can be a fun bonus to try and predict the changes in their coat colour. 


This isn’t an exact science, but specific indicators can offer some clues:


  • Firstly, take a good look at their parents, especially the Poodle side of the family. Their coat colour and pattern give you a good hint about what your Cavoodle might look like in the future. 


  • Secondly, observe your pup’s coat colour. Even though it might change as they grow, their puppy coat can provide some hints about their adult coat colour. It's also a great idea to ask your breeder what they think might happen as your cavoodle puppy gets older or they might have puppies from previous litters they can give you an idea about how your puppy's coat might expect to lighten when they reach maturity. 


  • Lastly, remember that the love you have for your Cavoodle won’t change, regardless of its coat colour. After all, it’s their lovable personality and warm cuddles that truly steal our hearts!


But if you’re still curious, here are some general pointers on how coat colours usually evolve in Cavoodles:


  • Black or black and white coats: These usually stay pretty consistent throughout a Cavoodle’s life. As they get older, you might see slight changes and black may turn a silver/grey colour.


  • Brown or chocolate coats: These colours can often fade to a lighter colour as the dog ages. This is sometimes referred to as “silvering” and can result in a beautiful, unique coat colour.


  • Red coats: These can also fade to a lighter shade of red over time. If your pup doesn't genetically hold a deep red colour expect them to fade to a lighter shade of red or show signs of yellow or wheaten colours through the coat. 


  • Apricot and cream coats: These coats tend to fade the most over time or can stay pretty consistent. Apricot or cream cavoodle coats may fade over time to a very light wheaten or white colour. 


  • Sable coats: These are the most unpredictable and can change drastically over time. It’s not uncommon for a sable Cavoodle to have a completely different coat colour as an adult compared to their puppy coat.


Of course, these are just general guidelines, and every Cavoodle is unique. So don’t be surprised if your pup surprises you with a completely unexpected coat colour! Embrace the variety and love your Cavoodle just the way they are, no matter what colour their fur may be. 


After all, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.


Myth Busting: Does Washing Affect Your Cavoodle’s Coat Colour?


Now, let’s address that hot topic you’ve all been curious about - does washing really affect your Cavoodle’s coat colour? 


Well, the answer is yes and no. 


Frequent washing with harsh chemical-based shampoos or human products might strip your Cavoodle’s coat of its natural oils, making it look dull in colour over time. But this doesn’t mean you should skip bath time altogether! 


Here’s the secret - opt for ph balanced, natural shampoos and conditioners designed explicitly for Cavoodles, and voila! Not only will you have a clean Cavoodle, but you’ll also maintain the natural coat oils and colour of their coat. 

You know what’s even better? We’ve got a fabulous range of gentle and nourishing cavoodle shampoo and conditioning products right here on our site that you and your Cavoodle will absolutely adore. So go on, give them a try and let your Cavoodle’s coat shine in all its colour and glory!


I hope you found these insights helpful in understanding Cavoodle coat colour fading and how to prevent it. Remember, each Cavoodle is unique, and their coat colours may change over time, adding to their charm. Stay curious and enjoy the journey with your adorable Cavoodle companion!

November 20, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
How to prepare your home for a Cavoodle puppy

How to prepare your home for a Cavoodle puppy

Bringing home a Cavoodle puppy is a super exciting time, but it can also be quite nerve-wracking. 

I was unfortunately a bit under-prepared when I brought home my Cavoodle and if I had to do it again, there are some things I’d do a little differently. 


1. Cavoodle-Proofing Your Home: 


Remove Electrical and Choking/Chewable Hazards Around the House: 

We can easily overlook the task of ‘puppy-proofing’ our homes. Make sure to get your house ready by putting away any small items your cavoodle puppy might find interesting, but might not be the safest to play with. 


Items could include small household items they can get to on the floor or on lower shelving. Such as jewellery, coins, small office supplies, medication, sewing supplies, exposed cords and wires and children’s toys that they would find chewable and therefore a choking or electrical hazard are just some of the things to look out for. 


Avoid Stairs and Jumping Off Furniture:

Not only do cavoodle puppies love taking anything that might not be theirs to play with including socks and shoes, they also love exploring. If you have stairs in your home it’s best to puppy-proof them too. Moving an obstacle in front of the stair entry or purchasing a baby gate can keep them out and safe. Not only can there be a risk of falling and injuring themselves on the stairs they may even get between balustrading as they do not have an understanding of heights yet. 


It’s not only stairs either, jumping from beds and couches can result in broken bones as their joints are not fully formed yet which can result in a very costly vet bill! So establishing strict boundaries early on is key. 


Think like a cavoodle puppy!

Cavoodle puppies are inquisitive and full of energy, which means they can get into all sorts of trouble if your home isn't properly puppy-proofed. 


Begin by getting down on your hands and knees to view your living space from a puppy's perspective. Look for potential hazards like cords or small objects that could be swallowed, and toxic plants. Secure these items or move them out of your cavoodle puppy's reach.


2. Puppy-Proofing Your Backyard or Balcony


If you have a yard or live in an apartment with a balcony, you will need to ensure it's safe for your Cavoodle. Cavoodle puppies can get into mischief and love to chew things they shouldn't, it's up to you to remove these hazards and keep your new cavoodle puppy safe.


A great idea is to create a designated puppy area safe for your cavoodle where you set aside a portion of the yard where your puppy can play and use the grass for toileting. You could also use a large puppy playpen to do this.


Some things to get in order before bringing your cavoodles into your backyard:

  • Making sure your fence is sturdy and contains no gaps under, through or above, ensuring it's of a good height. As your cavoodle puppy gets older, some have a tendency to jump extremely high. Keep in mind if your puppy digs a hole near the fence will they be able to escape? Best to keep fence lines extremely low. 
  • Make sure all your gates have locks and are kept shut. If you have people regularly maintaining your yard ensure they are aware of your new puppy, maybe add a sign to your gate. 
  • If you have a pool, ensure there is secure fencing around it and don’t leave your puppy unattended in the pool area.
  • Ensure there is always a barrier where cars back in and out if you have a larger backyard, some cavoodles do not have good car sense and if not careful could be run over. 
  • Ensure garden beds are trimmed back to avoid unwanted visitors like snakes and toads. 
  • Ensure no sharp weeds or bindis are in grass (these can get stuck in your cavoodles fur and cause bad knots and matting).
  • Making sure the grass is mowed to reduce the potential for ticks and fleas.
  • Avoid using lawn and garden chemicals/pesticides toxic to dogs (you can buy pet safe ones). Also make sure they are out of reach in a locked shed. 
  • Ensure there is a space where they can access shade and water at all times. 
  • Remove any small rocks, nuts, seeds that can be swallowed, cavoodles love to chew on anything they find and you don’t want to end up at the vets because they have a rock stuck in their intestine or ate something poisonous.


If you live in an apartment, don’t worry, cavoodles can be easily trained to adjust to a balcony. However, it's crucial to prepare before their arrival as balconies can be quite dangerous for cavoodle puppies if not secured properly.


Puppy-proofing your balcony before you bring your puppy home will make your life a lot easier as you can start getting them into routine right away.  


Some things to get in order before bringing your cavoodles onto your balcony:

  • Balcony Netting or Mesh: Install a sturdy and secure balcony netting or mesh to prevent accidental falls and ensure a reliable safety barrier.
  • Secure Railing Inspection: Regularly inspect the balcony railing for any gaps or weaknesses that could compromise your Cavoodle's safety.
  • Remove any toxic plants or objects that might be harmful if ingested. 
  • Create a toileting area if this is where you want them to do their business, you will need to invest in artificial grass mats or some sort of alternative. 
  • Training on Balcony Etiquette: When you bring your Cavoodle puppy home, be sure to train them on appropriate balcony behaviour, reinforcing positive actions and discouraging any potentially risky behaviours.


3. Create a Safe Space:


Designate a specific area in your home for your Cavoodle puppy to call their own.


A playpen, a room, a crate or a gated area can help keep them contained while they adjust to their new environment. Make sure this space includes comfortable bedding, water and food bowl, and a few safe toys to keep them occupied.


Crate Training:

Crate training is an invaluable tool for housebreaking and providing your puppy with a secure space. Make the crate comfortable with a soft blanket and encourage your puppy to explore it. Over time, your puppy will come to see the crate as their den. 


Creating a comfortable area is done by making sure to line their crate or bed with blankets. You can even organise with your breeder to have a blanket given with the puppy’s mum’s scent to help them adjust in their first few days. To add to your puppy's feeling of security, drape another blanket over the top of the crate or purchase a crate cover to help reduce anxiety and visual stimuli. 


Do not use this area as punishment when they are misbehaving, you want the crate to be a safe space for them to go to.



To keep your cavoodle puppy out of mischief it's best to be prepared with a variety of different toys and enrichment activities that will make them mentally and physically tired.


If puppies get bored they can develop bad habits that might be hard to break, like chewing on furniture.


Toys that they can fetch, play tug-of-war with, softer toys like a teddy, teething toys, Kong, and food-dispensing puzzle toys are just some of the options. 


4. Preparing Meal times For Your Cavoodle Puppy:


Remember your puppy is coming into a new environment when you bring them home, for the first few days they might be a little shy until they warm up to you. 


You should always keep them on the same food as the breeder had them on to avoid any upset tummy incidents, if they are not eating and drinking after 24 hours, we recommend you call your breeder for advice or take them to the vet. 


One thing we found that cavoodles love is boiled chicken, if they are refusing to eat their food, you may need to try hand-feeding them until they are confident to eat out of their bowl themselves. 


Transitioning your cavoodle puppy to new food:

If you wish to switch up the food your cavoodle puppy is currently on you need to make sure you transition them off the food slowly to avoid unnecessary tummy issues including vomiting or diarrhoea.


We currently use Lyka to feed our cavoodles. All their meals are nutritionally balanced created by a holistic veterinarian and have no additives or preservatives. They are delivered straight to my door in frozen pouches and I defrost as I need each day which is super convenient and cost effective! It’s like hello fresh for dogs without the cooking. 


Use the code MYCAVOODLE20 at checkout to get 30% off your first box. 


Slow feeders and lick mats:

Once your cavoodle puppy becomes more confident with food they may tend to inhale their meals quickly which can lead to upset tummies and vomiting.


I know my cavoodle Bambi suffered from this so, instead of watching over her like a helicopter dog mum, I invested in a slow feeder bowl for her meals. 


Sometimes I change it up and also use a lickmat as they are great for making food time more interesting and helps promote licking. The licking action generates saliva that helps protect your cavoodles teeth and gums, and can aid digestion as saliva contains enzymes such as Amylase. The natural rubber surface also scrapes food particles and odour causing bacteria off your cavoodles tongue, promoting fresher breath.


5. Keeping their coat gorgeous


There’s nothing like that new Cavoodle puppy coat, it's super soft and shiny! But the problem is, puppies don’t stay puppies and their coats don’t stay as soft and fresh as when you first brought them home. 


At some point you will need to give them a bath, it's recommended you use a high quality dog shampoo and conditioner for your cavoodle puppy as they can be prone to skin sensitivities. A first bath after bringing your cavoodle home is also a great time to create trust and bond with them.


If your breeder hasn’t told you yet, just consider that Cavoodle coats can be high maintenance, they need to be brushed every day, washed every couple of weeks and groomed every 4-6 weeks professionally so their coats stay maintained to avoid knots and matting. They will need their first professional groom around the 6-month mark.


If your cavoodle starts to form knots and mats in their coat when you take them to the groomers you might not recognise the teddy bear-looking puppy you dropped off, they will have a lot less hair and by a lot we mean they will come home fully shaved like a rat and you will not be happy!


A grooming starter kit comes with everything you need to maintain your puppy’s coat. This kit has the grooming tools you need to keep on top of your cavoodles’s grooming routine including a shampoo specifically formulated for a cavoodles coat and sensitive skin, leave-in conditioner to keep them fresh between baths and their coat super soft and fluffy, a slicker brush, comb, nail scissors, a detangler and pin and bristle brush. 


6. Puppy Essentials:


Stocking up on essential puppy supplies and being prepared is important when bringing your cavoodle puppy home, don’t forget to tick off these items below before you bring your cavoodle home:


  • Bedding, kennels 
  • Puppy pee pads 
  • Doggy door 
  • Walking items like collar, ID tag, harness, leads, poop bags
  • Hygiene items like toothbrush and dog toothpaste 
  • Treats like Ziwi Peak, air dried chicken treats


A few other things to consider when bringing your cavoodle puppy home:


Introducing your cavoodle to your kids or family

It’s also important to remember to prepare your kids for the new puppy. Discuss briefly with them about how it’s best to be sitting down while holding the puppy, avoiding any rough play as the puppy is still very young and fragile, no intrusive hands in mouth and eyes for example, and making sure to create an overall calm environment. Letting the puppy have time and space away from the kids is also very important. 


Establishing a good nighttime routine for your cavoodle 

It's important to decide where your cavoodle puppy will sleep and stick to the plan, if its crate training be consistent with this, it's an easy choice to give into their cries on the first few nights and bring them into your bed but remember it will make training a lot harder if you don’t follow through. From my experience once a cavoodle is in your bed its very hard to get them out of that routine!


Roll up or put away rugs to reduce the risk of accidents happening on them

Any furniture or pieces in your home you do not want your cavoodle puppy to touch, put it away, don’t leave to chance, it might end up broken or soiled on.


Beyond the home
All the puppy preparation doesn’t just stop at the home. Puppies are unpredictable. They love experiencing their new world and sometimes, they might not do it in the safest of ways. To always be prepared for the unexpected, getting puppy insurance can be key. An option for insurance is Knose Pet Insurance who offer different levels of cover. If you use the code MYCAV2M you can get two months free pet insurance with them. Learn more about Knose Pet Insurance here.


Bringing home a Cavoodle puppy can be a lot of work, but the love and companionship they provide make it all worthwhile.

It's best to be patient with your cavoodle puppy as they adjust to their new surroundings, and shower them with affection to build a strong and trusting bond.

November 16, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Updated list of the Top 10 Cavoodle Names in Australia 2023

Updated list of the Top 10 Cavoodle Names in Australia 2023

Our original list of the top 10 cavoodle names has always been such a popular one, so we thought we’d update this list as naming your cavoodle puppy is super important since you’ll be calling this name out for years to come! You can find the original list here along with the biggest naming don’t and some ideas about how you can choose the best name for your cavoodle pup.

We found our top 10 cavoodle puppy names did follow a bit of a trend including naming your pup after the royal family members, after flowers, TV characters or famous people.

Top 10 Cavoodle Names 

Female Cavoodle Names: 

  1. Coco
  2. Daisy
  3. Lexi / Lexie
  4. Lilly / Lily
  5. Lola
  6. Luna
  7. Millie / Milly 
  8. Ruby
  9. Tilly
  10. Zoe/ Zoey

Male Cavoodle Names:

  1. Alfie
  2. Archie
  3. Arlo
  4. Benji
  5. Kobe / Koby
  6. Louie/ Louis
  7. Milo
  8. Ollie
  9. Ralphy / Ralphie
  10. Teddy 

Unisex Cavoodle Names:

  1. Bailey
  2. Billie / Billy
  3. Charlie/Charli
  4. Cookie
  5. Frankie/ Frankii
  6. Jessie / Jesse
  7. Lucky
  8. Marley / Marlii / Marlee / Marlie
  9. Teddy
  10.  Sunny/ Sunni/ Sonni / Sonny

We have also made an alphabetical list of cavoodle names you can find below. 


Unique Cavoodle Names in Alphabetical Order:



















































Bon Bon

























Channel / Chanel

Charlie/ Charlee /Charley / Charli






































Ela/ Ella / Elle/ Ellie





Emme / Emmy




Eve/ Evie/ Evee












Frankie / Frankii 


Fred / Freddie / Freddy



Georgie / George 















Halle / Hallie 













































Jesse / Jessie










Kobe / Koby 
















Lexi / Lexie 


Lilly / Lily  








Lotte / Lotti / Lottie 










Mac / Mack

Macie / Macy



Maisie / Maisy 







Marlee / Marley / Marlie / Marlii 


















Millie / Milli / Milly  


Minnie / Mini





Molly / Mollie  

Monte / Monty





Nahla / Nala 









Oakie / Oakley 







Oscar / Oska 





















Pickle / Pickles


Pippa / Pippi 



Poppy / Poppi 












Raffi / Raffy

Ralphy / Ralphie 






Remi / Remy 







Romy / Romie





Ruby / Rubi 





















Sky / Skye 



Sonni / Sonny











Sunni / Sunny











Theo / Theodore 



























Winnie / Wynnie 



















Zoe / Zoey 



August 03, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Cavoodle Coat Colours: Everything you need to know about how a cavoodle gets its coat colouring

Cavoodle Coat Colours: Everything you need to know about how a cavoodle gets its coat colouring

These days it's not uncommon to mistake a Cavoodle for another breed, this is probably because some Cavoodles are so unique in colouring you wonder whether it's really a Cavoodle at all!

Born from the original union of a Poodle and a King Charles Cavalier, Cavoodles inherit their coat colours from both parents, resulting in truly mesmerising varieties.

With the rising popularity of the breed and advancements in genetic testing, new coat colour trends are emerging among Cavoodles. 

Breeders now have the ability to predict the potential coat colours of a Cavoodle litter by analysing the colour genes carried by the parents by doing genetic DNA testing. This exciting development allows breeders to offer a wider range of coat colour options for prospective Cavoodle owners.

So to understand what colours a Cavoodle can be you need to understand that the coat colour combinations will derive from the colour genetics of a Poodle and King Charles Cavalier.


The Poodle

According to the American Kennel Club a Poodle can be of the following solid colours: 

  • Black: A solid black coat without any other colour markings.
black poodle coat
  • White: A solid white coat without any other colour markings.

white poodle coat

  • Brown: Also known as chocolate, this colour is a solid rich brown shade.

brown poodle coat

  • Cream/Apricot: Ranging from a light cream to a deeper apricot colour, this shade can have variations in intensity.

Cream/Apricot Poodle

  • Gray: A solid gray coat, sometimes referred to as blue, which can range from a dark shade to a lighter silver colour.

gray poodle

  • Silver: A lighter shade of gray with a distinct silver hue.

silver poodle coat

  • Red: A solid deep red shade, similar to a mahogany colour.

red ruby poodle coat

  • Cafe au Lait: A light brown colour with a hint of gray or silver, resembling the colour of coffee with milk.

Cafe au Lait poodle coat

In addition to these solid colours, Poodles can also have various patterns and markings, including parti, phantom, and abstract. These patterns often combine multiple colours, adding further variety to the Poodle's appearance and making them unique for breeding.


What is a parti poodle? Can cavoodles be parti coated?

A parti poodle is a Poodle with a coat colour pattern that consists of large patches or spots of two or more colours. This pattern can be seen on various parts of the dog's body, including the head, body, and limbs. Parti poodles have a base colour, which can be any solid colour recognised in Poodles, and then have contrasting patches or spots of a different colour.

parti poodle coat

Yes, cavoodles can have parti coats, it just means they have a prominent solid base colour with different coloured patches. My daisy is an example of a Parti cavoodle. 

parti cavoodle


What is a phantom poodle? Can cavoodles be phantom coated?

The phantom pattern consists of solid base colour markings with distinct tan or cream points on specific areas like the eyebrows, cheeks, inside the ears, chest, legs, and beneath the tail.

The base colour of a phantom poodle can be any recognised solid colour, such as black, brown, red, apricot, or silver.

phantom poodle coat

Yes, cavoodles can come in phantom colouring but they are much more rare and unique, not every cavoodle puppy in the litter will be a phantom even if the poodle parent is.

phantom cavoodle


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, can also come in various coat colours and patterns too including these four main ones: 

  • Blenheim: This is the most well-known and classic colour for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Blenheim Cavaliers have a rich chestnut coat with white markings on the face, chest, and legs.

Blenheim cavalier

  • Tricolour: Tricolor Cavaliers have a black and white coat with tan markings above the eyes, on the cheeks, inside the ears, and on the legs.

Tricolour cav

  • Black and Tan: Cavaliers with a black and tan coat have a black base with tan markings above the eyes, on the cheeks, inside the ears, on the chest, and on the legs.

Black and Tan cavalier

  • Ruby: Ruby Cavaliers have a rich, solid red coat without any white or tan markings.

ruby cavalier


Cavoodle Coat Colours

Now that we have explained the genetic colours of poodles and cavaliers, it will explain how we are able to get a magnitude of different coloured cavoodles including:


1. Solid Colours

  • BlackA Cavoodle can have a solid black coat.

a black coloured cavoodle puppy


  • White: Solid white cavoodles with no markings are also possible, but on the more rare side.

white cavoodle puppy


  • Brown: A solid brown coat, often referred to as "chocolate," is another option.

chocolate cavoodle puppy / brown cavoodle puppy


  • Cream & Apricot: Cavoodles can have a solid cream-colored coat. (“Apricot” is a term also used as a colour to describe cavoodle coats but it's a mix between a cream and ruby coat, not as white as cream but not a deep ruby red). For example in the photos below you can see the slight difference.


cream cavoodle puppyapricot cavoodle puppy colour


  • Ruby: This is probably the most common cavoodle coloured coat and its more of a rich red than brown. 

ruby cavoodle puppy colour


2. Bicolor Combinations:

  • Black and White: Cavoodles can have a combination of black and white, with a predominantly black or white base coat and markings of the opposite colour.

black and white cavoodle puppy colour


  • Ruby and White: Similar to black and white, Cavoodles can have ruby and white combinations.

ruby and white marking cavoodle colour puppy


  • Black and Tan: This combination includes a black base coat with tan markings on specific areas like the face, legs, and chest.

black and tan cavoodle puppy colour


3. Tricolor Combinations:


  • Black, White, and Tan: Cavoodles can have a tricolor combination with a black base coat, white markings, and tan points.

black white and tan cavoodle puppy colour


  • Merle: is another unique coat for cavoodles where they have a bluish-gray base coat with irregular patches or marbling of black or darker gray throughout the coat. This creates a unique and striking appearance. The merle pattern can vary in intensity and distribution, resulting in different coat variations.

merle cavoodle puppy coat colouring


  • Sable: Sable cavoodles have a coat that combines different shades of red, often with black tipping, resulting in a mottled or shaded appearance. This is a very rare colouring.

sable cavoodle coloured puppy


As you can see cavoodles can come in a vast range of coloured coats. It's important to remember that while coat colour is a desirable trait, other factors such as health, temperament, and suitability to your lifestyle should also be considered when choosing a Cavoodle puppy. 




Why do you see a lot of ruby and Apricot coloured cavoodles around?


We believe this comes from the popularity of their appealing and sought-after aesthetics. As a result, breeders may specifically select and breed dogs with these coat colours to meet the demand in the market. This increases the likelihood of seeing more of these ruby coloured cavoodles around. 


Also because the poodle has a fading gene that many people do not realise, some ruby cavoodles may fade over time and their coat colour will then turn Apricot once they have been groomed and their adult coat comes in. So this is why you will see these coloured cavoodles around more often.

August 03, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Is your cavoodle vomiting after meals?  Why a slow feeder or lickmat can help.

Is your cavoodle vomiting after meals? Why a slow feeder or lickmat can help.

If you own a cavoodle you either have a really fussy slow eater who could be at their food bowl for 20 minutes or more, or you could have a cavoodle like mine where you put down the food, walk from their bowl to the kitchen and they’ve already gulped down their food. 

If you’ve got a cavoodle like mine then you might also know that it can be quite common for them to vomit their food up after a meal as a result of eating too fast. I don't know about you but I quickly got tired of cleaning up vomit off my carpets, lounge and sometimes even being woken up during the night to regurgitating sounds! 

This is where a slow feeder bowl and lickmat become the perfect solution to my problem! 

What is a cavoodle slow feeder bowl?

A slow feeder bowl is specially designed with inbuilt obstacles or ridges that make the eating process a bit more challenging for your cavoodle. The unique design encourages your cavoodle to navigate around the obstacles to access their food and forces them to slow down whilst eating. 

See below example of a slow feeder bowl for cavoodles:

cavoodle slow feeder bowl


What is a cavoodle lickmat?


A lickmat is another type of slow eater that promotes slower eating behaviour but instead of it being a bowl it's a flat mat usually made out of rubber or silicone about a centimeter or two high that has a pattern or textured surface. The idea is you spread your cavoodles food between the grooves of the lick mat and your cavoodle licks it off instead of gulping the food. The repetitive licking action triggers the release of calming endorphins in your cavoodle’s brain, helping to soothe anxiety and reduce stress. At the same time it slows down the process of eating and is a great sensory experience for them as they have to use their tongue between every groove or pattern. 


See below example of a lickmat slow feeder for cavoodles:


cavoodle lick mat slow feeder


These versatile feeding tools aren't just limited to mealtime; they can be used during grooming sessions, crate training, vet visits, or any time you need to keep your cavoodle entertained and relaxed. The lickmat also provides a wonderful way to make positive associations with potentially stressful situations, helping your cavoodle feel more at ease.

Other benefits associated with these include:

  • Promotes slower eating habits & helps with gastrointestinal problems
  • Aids in weight management
  • Reduces rapid ingestion and vomiting
  • Mental Stimulation & Enrichment
  • Prevents choking hazards
  • Easy to clean and durable


August 03, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia
Why does my cavoodle eat its own poo?

Why does my cavoodle eat its own poo?

Never did I ever think that one day I’d catch my cavoodle eating her own poo… until I found her munching away on it a couple of months ago. Then, I found her doing it again and sometimes it was just the horrid smell of her breath that gave it away, realising it was too late for me to take that kiss back I just gave her! Yuck!

Having owned cavoodles before I’d never experienced this with my own girls until I bought Daisy home. 

However, it’s actually quite a common and unpleasant habit some cavoodles have also known as coprophagia (eating their own faeces). 

Coprophagia is a common problem among many dog breeds, including Cavoodles. Although this behaviour may seem repulsive to humans, it is not unusual for dogs to eat their own faeces. I’ve also had a number of people message the exact same question as they have also caught their cavoodle eating its own poo and want to know how to stop them.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why your cavoodle could be eating their own poop and what you can do to prevent this behavior.


Nutritional Deficiencies

One of the primary reasons why Cavoodles eat their own poo is because of nutritional deficiencies. If a dog is not getting enough nutrients from its food, it may be inclined to eat its own feces as a way to make up for the lack of nutrients. This is especially true if your cavoodle is on a low-quality diet that is not providing all the necessary nutrients.

To prevent nutritional deficiencies, make sure your cavoodle is getting a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Feed your Cavoodle high-quality dog food that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. You can also supplement their diet with treats that are high in nutrients.


Behavioral Issues

Another reason why Cavoodles eat their own poo is because of behavioural issues. This behaviour can be triggered by anxiety, stress, boredom, or even a lack of attention from their owners. Cavoodles that are left alone for long periods of time may become bored and start looking for ways to entertain themselves. Eating their own faeces may seem like a fascinating and entertaining activity to them.

Some cavoodles may also eat their own faeces as a way to seek attention from their owners. Cavoodles are social dogs, and if they feel neglected or lonely, they may resort to negative attention-seeking behaviours, such as coprophagia.

One interesting fact that I did learn is that a study from the School of Veterinary Medicine found Coprophagic dogs are much more likely to be described as greedy eaters, and were more likely to be found in multi‐dog households, where presumably there would be a greater concentration of stools, compared to dogs who didn’t eat their own poo.

To prevent behavioural issues, make sure your Cavoodle gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Take them for walks, play with them, and provide them with toys or treats while you are gone that will keep them occupied. You can also try crate training your cavoodle, so they have a safe and comfortable place to rest when you are not home.


Medical Conditions

Sometimes, Cavoodles may eat their own faeces due to an underlying medical condition. For example, dogs with malabsorption issues may not be able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from their food, causing them to eat their own poo to compensate for the lack of nutrients. In addition, gastrointestinal disorders, such as pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and parasites can also lead to coprophagia.

If you suspect that your dog has a medical condition, take them to the vet for a checkup. Your vet can perform tests to determine if there is an underlying health issue causing the behaviour.


Motherly Instinct

Another reason why Cavoodles may eat their own poop is that it is a natural instinct inherited from their mothers. When your cavoodle was a puppy their mum would have eaten their puppies' poop to keep their pen clean and free from disease. This behaviour may have been picked up from the puppy at a young age. 

To prevent this behavior, make sure to clean up after your dog as soon as they have defecated. This will prevent them from being tempted to eat their own feces. You can also discourage this behavior by training your dog to respond to the "leave it" command.

How to stop my cavoodle eating its own poo?

There are several ways to stop your Cavoodle from eating its own poop. 

First, make sure to clean up after your dog immediately after they defecate. This will remove the temptation for them to eat their own feces. 

Pumpkin is an excellent source of fibre and can help regulate your dog’s digestive system. It also contains nutrients that can make their poop less appealing. You can feed your dog cooked, canned, or pureed pumpkin, but make sure it’s plain and not seasoned with any spices.

You can also try adding a supplement to their diet that makes their poop taste unpleasant. This can be achieved with the addition of certain foods or supplements such as pumpkin or pineapple.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that can break down proteins in your dog's food, making their poop less appealing to eat. You can feed your dog fresh or canned pineapple, but be sure to remove the skin and core first.

Another method to discourage this behaviour is to train your dog to "leave it" or "drop it" commands. These commands can be used to interrupt the behaviour and redirect their attention to something else. With consistent training and patience, your Cavoodle can be trained to break the habit of eating its own faeces.

April 24, 2023 — Bella Tenaglia